Asia is the largest part of the world in terms of population and territory. The area with the islands is about 43.4 million km². The population is 4.6 billion people, which is 60.5% of the world’s population. At the moment, Asia is the largest economically developing region in the world.

Below are the countries in Asia with the highest average sales in 2020.
Qatar is a small state, but with huge natural resources (oil, gas), located in the Middle East in the northeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. In the south, it has a land border with Saudi Arabia, and on the other side, it is washed by the waters of the Persian Gulf. In terms of GDP per capita, it is the richest country in the world.
The population of Qatar is around 2.9 million people. Currently, local authorities are trying to reduce the country’s dependence on the oil and gas sector. So they are interested in attracting qualified labor from abroad to develop other sectors of the Qatari economy.
According to local experts, the average salary in Qatar in 2020 is about 13 thousand rials per month (3.6 thousand dollars). It is the median. In general, the average worker in Qatar earns about $ 4.5 thousand a month. Much depends on the profession. For example, some Westerners in leadership positions in Doha have incomes in the region of $ 40,000 a month.
Singapore is a small island country. The population of Singapore is only 5.9 million. It is located in southeastern Asia next to Indonesia and Malaysia. Singapore has a powerful economy and a high standard of living. Local statistical offices estimate that approximately 1.3 million foreigners are permanently employed in the business in Singapore.
One of the main factors that attract migrant workers is the high salary in Singapore. It has a favorable investment climate. A large number of international companies operate, and unemployment is at 2%. Local authorities are mainly interested in attracting highly-qualified specialists from abroad.
According to official figures from the Singapore Ministry of Human Resources, the average median salary in Singapore in 2020 is S$ 4,563 per month, which at the current exchange rate corresponds to $ 3,145. Annual earnings – S $ 54,756 ($ 37,740). The highest-paid sectors of the Singapore economy are finance and insurance, and information technology.
United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is located on the Arabian Peninsula along the southern coast of the Persian Gulf. It shares borders with Saudi Arabia in the southwest and Oman in the east. It is a very rich country with a high standard of living, which is mainly provided by the sale of oil. More than 75% of the UAE workforce is labor migrants from around the world.
The population of the UAE is about 9.9 million people. The official language is Arabic, but English is widespread, especially in international companies. The Emirates is a relatively liberal state and the most important financial and economic center of the Middle East.
There is no income tax in the Emirates. Local authorities are taking effective measures to modernize the economy and reduce dependence on the oil industry. The spheres of tourism, construction, and information technologies are actively developing.
According to the estimates of international personnel organizations, the average salary in the UAE (Dubai) in 2020 is about 16,500 dirhams per month, which corresponds to 4,490 dollars. It all depends on the company, as well as the qualifications, education, and experience of the employee. In many cases, it also depends on the ability to negotiate and even nationality. According to statistics, in the UAE people from Europe mainly earn more than citizens of Asia and Africa.
Japan is among the countries with the highest income levels the population. The country’s economy is based on a strong financial sector, high innovation, and technology. Japan is renowned as one of the best quality car manufacturers and the world’s most popular high-precision electronic equipment.
According to information provided by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, in 2020 the average salary in Japan was about USD 3,150. But this figure is not constant: the level of income in Japan varies every month – in the winter the Japanese get less, in the summer – more. In 2020, in winter, nominal wages were almost $ 2,700 (301,984 yen), while in the summer this figure increased significantly to $ 3,600 (402,645 yen). Thus, the average salary for 2020 was $ 3,150 (352,314 yen).
Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of the largest shopping centers in the world. It has the busiest cargo airport and is also well known for its port.
Hong Kong is also a major financial center in Asia. Due to its low tax regime and efficient market, Hong Kong attracts foreign workers and entrepreneurs every year. Hong Kong has also attracted many online businesses in recent years. Hong Kong also ranks among the top countries for ease of doing business.
With a few exceptions, Hong Kong has managed to grow its GDP over the past decade. The average salary in Hong Kong is $ 2.652. Business in the city is very dynamic, and most of it is focused on trade and finance. Tourism also plays an important role in the region’s economy, and visitors come mainly from mainland China.
Hong Kong is one of the most exciting places to live in Asia and offers great opportunities for expatriates working in trade and finance.