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Advantages of registering a company in Georgia

Georgia opens up great prospects for doing business on an international scale. Moreover, in 2020, the number of options available for tax optimization by foreign IT firms and maritime companies in Georgia has expanded. Benefits of registering a company in Georgia In addition to the above advantages, the registration of companies in Georgia is beneficial […]

Advantages of registering a company in Belgium

The first reason for opening a business in Belgium for foreign residents is to obtain a residence permit in this country. This is a huge advantage because a person with such a status can issue invitations for a guest to visit and reside in Belgium for 5 years. The second, but not insignificant, the advantage […]

Set up a business in Latvia for foreigners

Latvia is very attractive for foreigners in terms of doing business. This is facilitated by a well-developed transport interchange and the ability to maintain contacts with European partners. It is not for nothing that Latvia annually occupies high positions in the lists of the best countries for doing business. There are many reasons for this, and if you do not know where to start a small or medium business, consider Riga. In the capital of Latvia, by the way, you can not only put things right but also have a place to stay to work comfortably and relax after a busy day.  Benefits of Latvia for a foreign businessman  The possibility of independent management of the company, without restrictions – in many countries, an entrepreneur is not allowed formally to fully manage the company himself. To register a legal entity, you need to contact a citizen of the country in which you plan to do business. In Latvia, a foreigner can open a company and manage it himself.  Elementary registration – here you will not find such bureaucratic delays, since they are minimized. The most complicated LLC registration procedure takes only a few days.  Small authorized capital – the minimum amount is about 2,800 euros (2,000 lats), and it is not possible to pay them immediately. It is permissible to invest only LVL 1 (approximately EUR 1.4) at the initial stage, and deposit the rest over the next two years.  Low taxes – income – 20%, value-added – 21%, on profit of legal entities – 15%, on dividends and VAT on trade transactions with foreign companies – 0%. Small businesses with an annual turnover of 100,000 euros enjoy special benefits – a 9% rate.  Easy obtaining of a residence permit – it is enough for a foreign businessman to contribute 35,000 euros to the authorized capital. After obtaining a residence permit, you can easily travel around Europe and study in EU countries.  Multilingualism – most of the inhabitants of Latvia are fluent in Russian and English.  Window to Europe – from Latvia, it is easier to enter the European market and significantly expand your business thanks to the country’s membership in the EU.  Business organization and operation laws  The tax legislation in force in the Republic of Latvia is considered one of the most loyal in the European Union. Sometimes the Baltic state is referred to as an offshore zone. If we consider this issue from the point of view of the law, then this is not entirely correct, although the amount of taxes on business in Latvia resemble the figures in effect in real offshore companies.  Most of the foreigners and residents organize their small businesses in the territory of Riga or the vicinity of the capital. The Latvian leadership is interested in the development of all regions of the state, therefore, special economic zones have been created to address this issue.  In the FEZ there are additional discounts for taxes already reduced by European standards. Such zones are located in Rezekne, Liepaja, and the free ports of Riga and Ventspils.  Business registration in Latvia is relatively fast. The owner of the future company does not have to come to Latvia, since the necessary documents can be drawn up by lawyers authorized by him.  The legislation does not restrict the equity participation of foreign citizens in the capital of local companies. Also on the territory of Latvia, a foreigner can open a company and be its sole owner. If you do not have your premises, you can rent a legal address in Riga.  It can be concluded that the legislation of Latvia by all available methods stimulates the opening of a business that contributes to the development of the country’s economy. At the same time, the leadership of Latvia does not focus on the nationality of the owner of the company, he can be a citizen of Latvia and another state. This position is attractive for residents from different CIS countries. 

Advantages of registering a company in Albania

Advantages of registering a company in Albania Albania is a small country located in the southeast of Europe in the Balkans, with a population of about 3 million people. Besides, the country is a candidate for membership in the European Union and an active member of the: WTO; OSCE; Council of Europe; CEFTA; Regional Cooperation […]

Top 7 Best countries in Europe to start a business

European countries are attractive not only for their high standard of living but also for the conditions for doing business, as well as for the possibility of transferring capital to safe economic zones. The main advantage of business immigration to the EU is the stability of the economy in almost any of its countries and […]

Advantages of registering a company in Estonia

Estonia is a European country, the second-fastest-growing after the Czech Republic, with the smallest public debt and a very high credit rating. These parameters define it as a steadily developing stable country. Why is this important for business? Stability will help maintain your success, and indicators of general economic growth will have a positive effect […]

Set up a business in Montenegro

Every year Montenegro is becoming an increasingly popular holiday destination. With the growing number of travelers, the possibilities for entrepreneurial activity are also progressing. Business in Montenegro is most beneficial to build in the tourism area. Though, Montenegro is also of interest to general investors. The country is a nominee for membership in the European […]

Advantages of registering a company in Poland

Poland is a country that boasts one of the most stable political and economic situations in the entire eastern part of Europe. The business community associates it with a state of great opportunities. Business in Poland attracts low tax rates, and to open a company or a bank account you only need a foreign passport […]

What kind of business can you open in the EU?

It is a great time for business people who have sufficient capital to think about what financially profitable business can be opened to develop their status in the EU. After all, this is an opportunity to get two benefits at once: to globally strengthen your financial condition; to provide yourself or your family with guaranteed […]

Company registration in Germany

Today anyone who has the necessary funds and desire to open their own business in Germany can open their business. Despite the high competition and a difficult tax system, the number of those wishing to register a company on federal lands is not decreasing. The Germans conducted research, and it turned out that more than […]